Australian and New Zealand Osteopathic Council
The Australasian Osteopathic Accreditation Council (AOAC) is an independent organisation to assess and accredit osteopathic education programs leading to eligibility for registration as an osteopath in Australia, and to assess the suitability of overseas qualified osteopaths to practice in Australia. The AOAC was known as ANZOC until July 2014 when a transition to the new name was made to better reflect our current area of operations. New Zealand accreditation is managed by the Osteopathic Council of New Zealand.
The aims of AOAC are to:
- Create a policy framework that helps ensure that 'equivalency', as encompassed in the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Agreement, is maintained.
- Assess for the purpose of granting accreditation to programs leading to the eligibility of people for registration as an osteopath in Australia.
- Advise and make recommendations to the osteopathic regulatory authorities relating to the accredited status to be granted to an osteopathic program.
- Advise and make recommendations to the osteopathic regulatory authorities (or successor body(s)) and other relevant interest groups on matters concerning the registration of osteopaths.
- Develop, review and maintain accreditation standards and processes to assess osteopathic programs.
- Assess the suitability of overseas-trained osteopaths to practise in Australia.
- Provide information and advice to government bodies concerning the adequacy of a person's skills in the field of Osteopathy for the purposes of migration to Australia.
- Provide information and advice to government bodies relating to law and policy concerning the registration of osteopaths in Australia.
- Establish and maintain relationships with bodies or organisations having objects and functions in whole or in part similar to the objects and functions of AOAC.
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