Looking to immigrate to Canada? The Saskatchewan PNP might be the right option for you! This program helps qualified immigrants move to Saskatchewan and start a new life in this beautiful province. There are a number of eligibility requirements, so make sure you read through the information carefully. In this guide, we will discuss the key things you need to know about the Saskatchewan PNP program.


Saskatchewan is an economically stable province with a strong and diversified economy. With a population of over a million, it is the fifth-largest province in Canada. Saskatchewan is known for its natural beauty, wide open spaces, and friendly people. The cost of living in Saskatchewan is affordable, and there are plenty of job opportunities available. Saskatchewan is also a great place to raise a family. If you are seeking an affordable and welcoming place to call home, Saskatchewan is the perfect choice!

About Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan has a continental climate, with hot summers and cold winters. The average summer temperature is 21 degrees Celsius, and the average winter temperature is -16 degrees Celsius. Saskatchewan is a very diverse province, with people from all over the world calling it home. According to the 2016 Census, the population of Saskatchewan was just over one million people. The largest city in Saskatchewan is Saskatoon, with a population of over 300,000 people. Regina, the capital city, has a population of just over 200,000 people.

What are some popular tourist attractions in Saskatchewan?

There are many beautiful and popular tourist destinations in Saskatchewan. Some of the most popular attractions include Prince Albert National Park, Grasslands National Park, the Royal Saskatchewan Museum, and the Saskatchewan Science Centre. Saskatchewan is also home to many different festivals and events throughout the year.

What is the Saskatchewan Immigration Nominee Program?

The Saskatchewan Immigration Nominee Program (SINP) is a program that helps qualified immigrants move to Saskatchewan and start a new life in this beautiful province. There are a number of eligibility requirements, so make sure you read through the information carefully.

The Saskatchewan Immigration Nominee Program is designed to attract and retain individuals with the skills and experience that Saskatchewan needs to grow its economy. The program allows Saskatchewan to nominate individuals who meet provincial criteria for permanent residence.

Saskatchewan has different streams under which applicants can apply for a Saskatchewan Provincial Nomination Certificate.

Various streams under Saskatchewan PNP infographic
Streams of Saskatchewan Immigration Nominee Program

The SINP offers the following immigration streams:

  • The International Skilled Worker Category
  • The Saskatchewan Experience Category
  • The Entrepreneur stream and Farm Owner Streams

Eligibility Criteria

In order to apply, you need a minimum of 60 points in the point assessment grid, your NOC code should not be in the excluded list of Occupations and the NOC code education should meet your education.

The point system for immigrating to Saskatchewan is as follows:

  4. AGE

The International Skilled Worker Category

The "International Skilled Worker Category" is for skilled workers living abroad who wish to work & live in Saskatchewan to perform a highly skilled occupation in the province.

There are four sub-categories under this stream:

  • The Employment Offer
  • Tech Talent Pathway
  • Saskatchewan Express Entry
  • The Occupation In-Demand Sub-Category

The Employment Offer Sub-Category

This Subcategory is for skilled workers, who are living abroad or in Canada, who Have a job offer for a skilled occupation in Saskatchewan and meet the criteria of the sub-category.

Eligibility Criteria

You may qualify for this sub-category if you live outside Canada or have proof of legal status in Canada, are not a refugee claimant, and:

  • Score at least 60 points on the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) point assessment grid.
  • You should have at least one year of work experience within the past 10 years.
  • Have a language score of at least Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 4.
  • Be eligible for Saskatchewan licensing (if your intended occupation is in a regulated profession or compulsory apprenticeship trade).
  • To see if your intended occupation is regulated in Saskatchewan, see Regulated Occupations and Licensing Requirements.
  • Have an offer for a permanent, full-time job in Saskatchewan. You will need a valid SINP Job Approval Letter to show proof. Employers must register with the SINP and obtain the Job Approval Letter. They will then provide the Job Approval Letter to you if you meet their hiring qualifications.
  • There is no specific list of jobs, but your offer must be in an occupation in the National Occupational Classification (NOC) Matrix level "A", "B" or "O", or in a designated trade in Saskatchewan. Please note the following exclusions:
  • Food and Beverage Servers/Persons must apply under the Hospitality Sector Project sub-category or the Hard-to-Fill Skills Pilot.
  • Only those with high skilled health occupations eligible for the International Healthcare Worker EOI Pool can apply to this sub-category. Other health professionals will need to apply to the Saskatchewan Experience Health Professionals sub-category. If you are applying under NOC 3413, then you may be eligible for the Hard-to-Fill Skills (HFS) Pilot. More information on the HFS Pilot can be found at HFS Pilot.

Application Processing Times - 2 weeks

Documents required: You must provide all forms and documents to prove you are eligible for SINP nomination at the time that you submit your application. You will also need these documents to prove:

  • Your identity.
  • Work experience.
  • Academic credentials.
  • Language ability.

The SINP may also ask for more documents that are not listed.

The Tech Talent Pathway Sub-Category

This sub-category is for high-skilled technology and innovation sector workers who:

  • Have a job offer for a high-skilled occupation in Saskatchewan;
  • Are either living in Canada or abroad;
  • Meet the criteria of the sub-category; and,
  • May be in the immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) Express Entry Pool (not required).

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Eligibility (Non-Express Entry)

    You may qualify for this sub-category if you live outside Canada or have proof of legal status in Canada, are not a refugee claimant, and:

    • Meet the following work experience requirements:
      • If applying from in Saskatchewan: Currently working in Saskatchewan and have worked six-months (780 hours) of full-time (30+ hours per week) work experience in the job with the employer that has provided you the Job Approval Letter. The work experience does not need to be consecutive work experience in either case. If you have not been working for your supporting employer full-time for at least six months, then you must have at least one-year of work experience in your occupation within the last five years.
      • If applying from inside or outside of Canada: One year of high-skilled related work experience in the past five years in your intended eligible occupation.
    • Meet the following language requirements:
      • If currently working for the employer offering you the job, meet the language requirements established by your employer in your job offer. Your employer will be assessing your language ability.
      • If not currently working for the employer offering you the job, have English and/or French language ability of Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 5 or higher.
    • Be eligible for Saskatchewan licensing (if applicable to your occupation): NOC 2147 - Computer Engineers, NOC 2173 - Software Engineers (but not Designers), and NOC 2133 - Electrical and Electronics Engineers will be required to:
      • Provide a letter from the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan (APEGS) showing that an application for registration as an Engineer-in-Training has been approved; OR
      • Provide a letter from APEGS indicating that they have been assigned Confirmatory Exams.
    • Have a post-secondary education that relates to the job you've been offered (Master's or Bachelor's degree; or a three-year degree at a university or college; or a diploma that requires two years at a university, college, trade or technical school, or other post-secondary institution).
    • Attest to your intent to work and reside in Saskatchewan.
    • Have an offer for an eligible permanent, full-time technology or innovation sector job in Saskatchewan. You will need a valid SINP Job Approval Letter to show proof. Employers must register with the SINP and obtain the Job Approval Letter. They will then provide the Job Approval Letter to you if you meet their hiring qualifications.
  2. Eligibility (Express Entry)

    Those who choose to apply to this stream as IRCC Express Entry candidates have different requirements. Express Entry applications received priority processing by IRCC for permanent residency, with expected permanent residency application processing times of six months or less. As a candidate in IRCC's Express Entry pool, you may qualify for this sub-category if you live outside Canada or have proof of legal status in Canada, are not a refugee claimant, and:

    • Have a valid Express Entry Profile Number and Job Seeker Code.
    • Have a language test result that meets the federal Express Entry language requirements.
    • Meet the following work experience requirements:
      • If applying from in Saskatchewan: Currently working in Saskatchewan and have worked six-months (780 hours) of full-time (30+ hours per week) work experience in the job with the employer that has provided you the Job Approval Letter. The work experience does not need to be consecutive work experience in either case. If you have not been working for your supporting employer full-time for at least six months, then you must have at least one-year of work experience in your occupation within the last five years.
      • If applying from inside or outside of Canada: One year of high-skilled related work experience in the past five years in your intended eligible occupation.
    • Be eligible for Saskatchewan licensing (if applicable to your occupation): NOC 2147 - Computer Engineers, NOC 2173 - Software Engineers (but not Designers), and NOC 2133 - Electrical and Electronics Engineers will be required to:
      • Provide a letter from the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan (APEGS) showing that an application for registration as an Engineer-in-Training has been approved; OR
      • Provide a letter from APEGS indicating that they have been assigned Confirmatory Exams.
    • Have a post-secondary education that relates to the job you've been offered (Master's or Bachelor's degree; or a three-year degree at a university or college; or a diploma that requires two years at a university, college, trade or technical school, or other post-secondary institution).
    • Attest to your intent to work and reside in Saskatchewan.
    • Have an offer for an eligible permanent, full-time technology or innovation sector job in Saskatchewan. You will need a valid SINP Job Approval Letter to show proof. Employers must register with the SINP and obtain the Job Approval Letter. They will then provide the Job Approval Letter to you if you meet their hiring qualifications.

      You must provide all forms and documents to prove you are eligible for SINP nomination at the time that you submit your application. You will also need these documents to prove:
      • Your identity.
      • Work experience.
      • Academic credentials.
      • Language ability.

    The SINP may also ask for more documents that are not listed.

The Occupation In-Demand Sub-Category

This sub-category is for skilled workers who:

  • Do not have a job offer in Saskatchewan but are highly skilled in an in-demand occupation;
  • Who are living abroad or in Canada; and
  • Meet the criteria of the sub-category.

Eligibility Criteria

You may qualify if:

  • You live outside of Canada or have proof of legal status in Canada
  • Are not a refugee claimant
  • Score a minimum of 60 points out of 110 on the SINP point assessment grid
  • Have a language score of at least 4 - Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 4
    • Some employers may ask for language scores that are higher than CLB 4
  • Have completed post-secondary education, training or apprenticeship that's comparable to that in Canada. You must have earned a diploma, certificate or degree related to your intended occupation. To find out if your education is related to your intended occupations, you can review the "Employment Requirements" section of your National Occupation Code profile.
    • For education outside of Canada, you must submit an educational credential assessment (ECA) from a designated organization (See IRCC's list of approved organizations)
    • Individuals who have completed trades or job training as part of their high school education must instead apply for Saskatchewan licensure (See Regulated Occupations and Licensing Requirements)
  • Have work experience that is high skilled and not on the Excluded Occupation List
    • You must have a minimum of one year of full-time (minimum 30 hours per week) paid work experience in a skilled occupation over the past 10 years related to your field of education. Your work experience must be in a high skilled occupation (NOC "0", "A" or "B") that is considered to be in-demand in Saskatchewan at the time of your application. Please see Occupations In-Demand and Express Entry Occupation Requirements for more information.
  • Your work experience must be related to your occupation and education
    • See SINP Requirements Related to Professional Status or Licensure for more information
  • You may need to provide proof of Professional Status or of eligibility for Licensure
    • See Occupations In-Demand and Express Entry Occupation Requirements for more information
    • You must include all required documents in your application. Missing documents will result in your incomplete application being returned. Your application fee will not be refunded.
  • Have proof of settlement funds and a settlement plan

You must provide all forms and documents to prove you are eligible for SINP nomination at the time that you submit your application. You will also need these documents to prove:

  1. Identity and Civil Status Documents
  2. Passports
  3. Education/Training Credentials
  4. Work Experience Credentials
  5. Proof of Professional Status or Licensure (if applicable)
  6. Language Credentials
  7. Settlement Funds
  8. Settlement Plan
  9. Close Relative in Saskatchewan (if applicable)
  10. Previous work experience in Saskatchewan (if applicable)
  11. Previous study experience in Saskatchewan (if applicable)

Application Processing Time: 32 Weeks

Fees: $350 application fee to be paid online by Visa or Mastercard.

The Saskatchewan Express Entry Stream

The Saskatchewan Express Entry Stream is for skilled workers who have been invited to apply for permanent residence through Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada's (IRCC) Express Entry system. To be eligible for this stream, applicants must also meet the minimum education and work experience requirements.

Application Processing Times: 38 Weeks

The Saskatchewan Experience Category

The Saskatchewan Experience Category is for foreign nationals who are currently working and living in Saskatchewan on a valid work permit. There are six sub-categories that foreign workers currently working and living in Saskatchewan may apply for under the SINP.

  1. Skilled Worker With Existing Work Permit
  2. Semi-skilled Agriculture Worker with Existing Work Permit
  3. The Health Professionals Sub-Category
  4. Hospitality Sector Project
  5. The Long-Haul Truck Driver Project Sub-Category
  6. Students

Skilled Worker With Existing Work Permit

This sub-category is for skilled workers who:

  • Have been working in Saskatchewan with a valid work permit for at least six months;
  • Have a permanent full-time job offer from a Saskatchewan employer. The job is required to be in National Occupation Classification (NOC) Matrix "A", "B" or "0"; or in a designated trade; and
  • Meet the criteria of the sub-category.

Semi-skilled Agriculture Worker with Existing Work Permit

This sub-category is for semi-skilled workers who:

  • Have been working for more than six months with a valid work permit for the employer offering a job or, who have previously worked in Saskatchewan for a minimum of six months;
  • Have a permanent full-time job offer from a Saskatchewan employer. The job is required to be in the following National Occupation Classification (NOC) occupations:
    1. NOC 8431: General Farm Worke
    2. NOC 8432: Nursery and Greenhouse Worker
  • Meet the criteria of the sub-category.

The Health Professionals Sub-Category

This sub-category is for skilled workers who:

  • Have been working full-time in Saskatchewan on a temporary work permit for at least six months as a:
    1. Physician;
    2. Nurse; or
    3. Other health professional.
  • Meet the criteria of the sub-category.

Hospitality Sector Project

This sub-category is for foreign workers who want to apply for permanent residency and:

  • Are currently working in Saskatchewan on a temporary work permit through a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA);
  • Have been working with an SINP Hospitality-approved employer for a minimum of six months (780 hours); and
  • Are working in one of the following jobs:
    1. Food/Beverage Server (NOC 6513)
    2. Food Counter Attendant/Kitchen Helper (NOC 6711)
    3. Housekeeping/Cleaning Staff (NOC 6731)
  • Meet the criteria of the sub-category.

The Long-Haul Truck Driver Project Sub-Category

This sub-category is for long-haul truck drivers who:

  • Will work for an approved trucking firm in Saskatchewan on a temporary work permit issued by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and based on a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) from the Government of Canada;
  • Meet the criteria of the sub-category.

This sub-category is for students who:

  • Graduated from a Saskatchewan institute or a recognized post- secondary educational institution in Canada;
  • You've worked for a minimum of 6 months (or 780 hours) of paid employment in Saskatchewan;
  • You have a current, permanent, full-time job offer in your field of study from a Saskatchewan employer; and
  • Meet the criteria of the sub-category.

The Entrepreneur stream and Farm Owner Streams

The Entrepreneur stream is for foreign nationals who wish to obtain or partner in a business in Saskatchewan and be actively involved in managing it, while residing in Saskatchewan.

The minimum requirements for eligibility are as follows:

  • Net Business and Personal Assets must total at least $500,000 (CAD).
  • Applicants must have three or more years of relevant business management or entrepreneurial experience gained in the past 10 years.
  • The planned investment in Regina and Saskatoon via this program must be a minimum of $300,000 (CAD), while the minimum investment requirement for all other Saskatchewan communities is $200,000 (CAD).

The nomination process involves the following steps:

  • Expression of Interest (EOI) submission to the SINP
  • EOI Selection and Invitation to Submit an Application
    1. A candidate's EOI is selected based on points. Those with the highest points are selected during each draw. The number selected depends on program requirements.
    2. After candidates are invited to apply, applications are processed in the order they are received.
  • Business Establishment
  • Nomination

The Farm Owner and Operator Application category is for those who want to move to Saskatchewan and:

  • Have experience in farming.
  • Have capital (money, assets) to invest in a farming operation.
  • Plan to buy and run a farm in Saskatchewan.

To be approved for nomination, you must:

  • Have a personal net worth of at least $500,000 (CAD).
  • Have accumulated your net worth legally.
  • Have at least three years experience in:
    1. Farm ownership.
    2. Farm management.
    3. Practical farming experience.
  • Give a proposal for a commercial Saskatchewan farming opportunity with plans to invest a minimum of $150,000 (CAD). Your proposal should be based on research, consultations or formal coursework relevant to Saskatchewan agricultural conditions. Hobby farms do not qualify. The proposal should be a commercial project with an expectation of profit. In Saskatchewan, a qualified farming business must have a minimum of $10,000 CAD in annual revenue.
  • Score at least 55 points on the Farm Owner/Operator Category Intent Grid. (see Application Guide for information on the Intent Grading Grid)

Application Processing Time: 9 Weeks

Saskatchewan PNP Draws

The last Saskatchewan PNP draw was on September 28, 2022. A total of 639 ITAs were issued to candidates with a minimum 81 points.

Move to Saskatchewan Canada Now

ISA Global can help you with Saskatchewan PNP Program process.

ISA Global is a leading Immigration company with a proven track record of helping people realize their dream of moving to Saskatchewan.

With more than 15 years of experience, we have a team of well-qualified and experienced professionals who can guide you through the entire process - from start to finish.

So, if you are planning to move to Saskatchewan, register with us today at www.isaglobal.in and let us help you make your dream a reality.

You can register for our free webinar at:

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What is the minimum CRS score for Saskatchewan PNP?

A CRS score of at least 300 is required, however we have to calculate separate 60 points of minimum requirement.

When is the next draw for Saskatchewan PNP?

The government of Saskatchewan typically invites applicants every other month.

How to calculate Saskatchewan PNP points?

Age: Max 12 points
Language ability: Max 20 points
Education and training: Max 23 points
Skilled work experience: Max 15 points
Adaptability to Saskatchewan labour market: Max 30 points
Total Maximum 100 points
Required score: 60 points

How long does Saskatchewan PNP take?

16 weeks


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