New Canadian Government promises to make amends!

If a dual national citizen has committed a crime against Canada then the Immigration Minister can revoke their citizenship. A Canadian who commits treason will be tried by the Canadian Justice system although their citizenship status is not affected. The Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau has cleared that this rule will be overturned as it creates bias among the Canadian citizens. Citizens who were born in Canada will be treated differently from the ones who were born abroad, although they have committed the same degree of crime.

This provision will protect the Canadians who suspected that their citizenship will be taken away if they moved out of Canada. The new government believes that all Canadians are free to go wherever they please and this upholds the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The current time an individual needs to spend in Canada to gain a citizenship is 4-6 years. The new government plans to bring this down to 3-5 years.

Earlier the applicants on temporary visas could claim the time spent in Canada towards citizenship residency requirement time. The Conservative government removed this provision.  Each day spent in the country by temporary resident used to count as a half-day on their citizenship application until the government changed the laws. The new government will allow permanent citizenship applicants to claim the time spent on students and work permits. According to the current regulations, to claim a year of time towards citizenship, an individual needs to spend 183 days in a year in Canada. If they spend over 6 months outside Canada, they can’t claim any residency days in that year.

Applicants must be proficient in either English or French in order to apply for Permanent Citizenship. Earlier government has expanded the requirement of a Canadian Citizenship test to applicants aged 14-64. The new government plans to reduce the age to 15-54.





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